On Friday, September 10th, 2021, Apple published a support article addressing known issues with mounting select iPhone models on motorcycles. Although Apple does not indicate if they will fix the issue for future iPhones, they recommend not mounting to motorcycle handlebars as far back as the iPhone 6 Plus. Unfortunate news for millions of motorcycle riders around the world who rely on motorcycle mounts to hold their iPhones for navigation and hands-free use while riding.
The article identifies the optical image stabilization (OIS) and closed-loop autofocus (AF) being the main culprit for possible damage when exposed to high amplitude vibrations caused by the motor’s transmitted vibrations through the chassis and handlebars. The camera features are so delicate that Apple recommends not mounting to your motorcycle handlebars. Even with the use of a vibration damping mount, Apple notes it will lessen the risk of damage, but not completely immunize the possibilities of camera damage. This greatly complicates mounting companies’ abilities to provide customers with high-quality products motorcycle riders around the world rely on for a hands-free riding experience.
RAM® Mounts will continue to provide the most rugged mounts on the market, however we recommend taking caution in mounting your iPhone to motorcycle handlebars until this issue is resolved.
Exposing your iPhone to high amplitude vibrations within certain frequency ranges, specifically those generated by high-power motorcycle engines, can degrade the performance of the camera system.