World-Class Mounting Systems

New Cradle for Garmin nüviCam and d?zlCam

 RAM Mounts   2016-02-15 New Products

The Garmin nüviCam™ LMTHD and dēzlCam™ LMTHD keeps an extra eye on the road. And RAM® Mounts custom cradle for these innovative devices keeps traffic information in your line of sight and keeps the device secure in your vehicle.

The newest GPS holder from RAM Mounts integrates the ability to use the factory Garmin magnetic dock for access to charging and features a cable retention system to prevent accidental unplugging. You can preorder the holder for the Garmin NuviCam and DezlCam now.

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We’ve rigged this custom-fit cradle with a locking option that is installed using press-fit nuts that keeps your GPS secure when you’re not in your vehicle and protects it from starting its own adventure without you. The locking attachment was created so that users have the flexibility to easily add a theft deterrent while keeping the cradle low profile.

The cradle has two location options to attach the RAM ball (comes with B sized ball) and the high-strength composite mount integrates a cable retention system to prevent accidental unplugging. One of the things that we like about the cradle is that it allows for full range of motion of the device camera so you can record the action in front of you.

RAM is a Garmin Authorized Partner and continues to create solutions for the latest Garmin devices. The dēzlCam™ LMTHD is a great addition to the cockpit of any fleet vehicle. It has features such as custom truck routing for the size and weight of your truck as well as truck & trailer services directory and route warnings like sharp curves, bridge heights, weight limits, steep grades and more.

Be sure to preorder your Garmin nüviCam™ LMTHD and Garmin dēzlCam™ LMTHD custom locking cradle now.

Garmindezil 300x224jpg Garmin Cradle Features and Specifications:

  • Open access to all electronic ports including speaker, microphone, SD and mUSB slots.
  • Allows for full range of motion for the camera.
  • Patented roller design for super smooth placement and removal of the GPS unit.
  • High strength materials ensure product longevity.
  • Form fitted cradle supports and protects device without vibration.
  • Cradle integrates the factory Garmin magnetic dock.
  • Locking attachment allows for a low profile theft deterrent.






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