While the mandate from the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) to implement electronic logging devices in commercial vehicles continues to navigate the legal system, device makers are hard at work building technology that not only is compliant but also useful. But there are still challenges ahead for commercial fleets.
Learn more about our ELD mandate solutions and our ELD Pro Bundles.
The final rule, also known as the ELD Mandate, was proposed in December 2015. While the underlying Hours of Service (HOS) regulation hasn’t changed, the method of recording has. The new mandate states a mandatory use of Electronic Logging Devices (ELDs) by drivers currently required to prepare HOS record of duty status. There are many software providers currently offering compliant software and hardware. Many of these software providers have their own dedicated ELD devices for in cab logging, however, it is known that these can be a bit more costly.
The FMCSA is aware of the cost burden it could be putting on fleets with this new rule. To address the ELD cost concerns the FMCSA has stated that smartphones, tablets, and rugged handhelds can be used as long as the system as a whole meets the ELD requirements, including a hardwired connection to the truck’s engine. Another requirement is that these portable devices be mounted, visible to the driver, and fixed in position during vehicle operations. Additionally, any Department of Transportation (DOT) officer must be able to view the display without entering the vehicle.
As the rules and regulations continue to evolve and face scrutiny, device manufacturers are working to integrate features and functionality into their devices that truckers and fleet drivers need. The reality is, however, many of these features are software based and consumer devices such as the Samsung line of tablets or the iPad can embrace the ELD requirements while offering drivers the additional benefits of maintaining connection to family, improved communications tools and more natural user interface.
Many fleets will implement purpose-built ELDs, which have their own set of advantages and features. But this mixed environment necessitates a flexible mounting solution.
And this is where RAM Mounts comes into play. RAM Mounts offers a wide array of mounting solutions to keep drivers and fleets compliant. Whether you are looking for phone mounts, tablet mounts, or rugged handheld mounts RAM Mounts can find a solution for you. Don’t wait until the compliance deadline before implementing your ELD solution. We can help you now!